Nestled in the Berkshire Mountains, our Visionaries crew finds a remarkable community of women living in a place known simply as Riverbrook. It was once a lavish summer mansion but today Riverbrook is home to a group of women with developmental disabilities - the place where they laugh, love, argue, work, learn, and find spiritual fulfillment. Our cameras capture the small triumphs and great challenges that make up a week in the lives of these exceptional women, both at home and in the town that embraces them. You'll also meet the force behind Riverbrook, a woman who could no longer bear the appalling treatment received by people with mental retardation that was the standard in the 1970s. She committed herself to ensuring rich and fulfilling lives for the developmentally disabled by shaping Riverbrook into the alternative program it remains today: an intentional community of sharing, support and respect, where individuality and creativity are cherished.